Dragon Boy, Student, & Dementia

Launched in January 2001, Dragon Boy took advantage of the free webcomic hosting provided by Keenspace (now called Comic Genesis). It is crudely designed, poorly written, quite random, and incredibly amateurish, but still kinda fun. Dragon Boy was concluded in early 2003, replaced by the comic I had been creating for my college paper, Student & Dementia. By the site's conclusion in 2006, the site contained around 180 DB strips, some 100 S&D strips, and 50 random bits of art filler.

Dominion's Over

This is a collection of 60 or so comic strips made in 2008 that present breakthroughs in science research through a strange group of genetically modified characters in a post-apocalyptic world.  Sometimes the comics are funny, and other times they are more concerned with creating imagery to better illustrate the science article presented in the blog area beneath.

The Anxieties of Apes and Artists

I handed these out after each of my four thesis show lecture-performances. The comic served as a little reminder of the lecture's content, and on the back were the annotated bibliographies for the lecture so the audience could read up.